How much is the cost of SEO in Edmonton?

How much is the cost of SEO in Edmonton?

What is the cost of SEO in Edmonton? I have been asked this question many times! I am sure many other industry leaders have answered it and there is a lot to consider when answering this question.

This question leads to many technical, emotional and involved discussions related to search engine optimization (SEO). I decided to write a clear and concise (and lengthy!) answer to this question.

Heads up: This is a lengthy post!

So, how much does the SEO cost in Edmonton?

Difference – Search engine and search engine optimization

The first thing to differentiate here is that a search engine is a tool, specifically a software tool and the search engine optimization (SEO) is an ongoing process to utilize that tool to your benefit!

The objective of a Search Engine

Did the person get what he/she searched for? This is the core objective of a search engine!

First, any search engine wants to show the exact result based on a search term! Next, it wants to show the closest result based on the same search term! At least what is available in its database at the time! Add AI to the mix and search engine also wants to gauge the intent of the searcher!

The objective of Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Did the person get what he/she searched for; right at the beginning of the results? This is the core objective of a search engine optimization process!

The fundamental objective of SEO revolves around the result that someone sees when someone searches a word or a phrase in a search engine.

To show the right results, a search engine needs to know the search intent very clearly!

To be present in those results, search engine marketers, when they write, need to define the search intent in their content very clearly so that search engine can do a good job of connecting that intent to the intent of the person who is searching!

The search engine connects the piece of content/writing to the intent of a searcher!

The methodology of the search engine optimization is to create such a piece of content/writing that connects well with your audience at the time of search and then also fits well with the search engine’s internal criteria of checking the relevance and connecting it to that specific search!

In fact it has to connect so well that the search engine shows it right in the first few results!

That’s it! All else count but only for support. Everything else is an add-on!

The Art is: If you are able to write what the person expected, you are doing it right!

The Science is: Then we measure it all with numbers and keywords and add the entire complexity to it!

Even before we discuss the cost of SEO, I would love to discuss a few things related to SEO numbers, ON-page SEO,  OFF-page SEO and Technical SEO.

SEO numbers in search engine result pages (SERPs)

For simplicity, whenever we need, we will discuss only one search engine here. Yes, Google!

Here is the picture of one of our results on one of our software we use that connects with Google. Some numbers to check here are;

SEO numbers in search engine result pages (SERPs) SEO TRAFIC, Search volume,

What do various columns represent in the above SEO report screenshot?

  1. The first column (edmonton web design etc.) is the keyword you are tracking.
  2. The second column (orange c) is an intent; a reason why a user might be on your page.
  3. The third set of columns where you see small icons is the search features for local searches etc. Map, links, people might ask, FAQ, reviews etc.
  4. The fourth column (9->9) is the change in the ranking… 1-10 is the first page of results. 11-20 is second page and so on…
  5. The fifth column (0) is the change from last check to this check.
  6. The sixth column (55.17) is how much percentage traffic is brought in by the keyword.
  7. The seventh column (1.6k) is the volume of the keyword searched at a particular time.
  8. The eighth column (53 with an orange dot) is the keyword difficulty which shows how hard it is to rank this keyword in the search results!
  9. The ninth column (9.7) is the Cost of a click that usually advertisers pay to get the paid leads from this keyword.
  10. The tenth column (ma….com with a lock) shows the URL of the site that is actually ranking for the specific keyword.
  11. The eleventh column (with an arrow icon) show the actual search result.
  12. The twelveth column (Apr 4) is just the date of the last check.

All these numbers are important but to pick 3 most important out of 12;

  • the actual keyword (Col 1)
  • what percentage of traffic is it bringing in (Col 6)
  • searched volume of the keyword (Col 7)

If we can focus on the above three, we can move ahead much faster! Define the keyword, validate it with the volume and work on it so that it starts bringing traffic on your website!

What is SEO? Explained on page off page and technical seo in detail

On-page SEO and its top components

There are many different on-page SEO components that must be considered in order for a site to be successful, but some of the most important are: title tags, meta descriptions, content relation to the page and to the entire website, use of keywords in the content and backlinks to credit the source. By understanding these basics and putting in the effort to optimize each element of your website, you can increase your chances of earning higher search engine rankings and increased online traffic.

Don’t forget the relevant images on each page and alt tag in each image as the integral part of on-page SEO.

Off-page SEO and its top components

Here are six of the most important off-page SEO components:

Link Building– One of the key ways to improve your website’s ranking is by building links to it from other websites. This can be done through article submission, guest blogging, or even linking to your website from other relevant websites.

Social media management– Social media management is an ever-growing field that requires professionals to keep up with the changing trends and manage their social media accounts efficiently. There are a variety of methods to managing social media, but some of the most popular include designing posts, scheduling posts, and monitoring analytics.

Online Citations– It is an important part of off-page SEO. It varies by country. Find out the top business listing directories in your country and make sure you have citations done and maintained in all the important online directories in your country.

Guest posts– Find some relevant websites that have a good domain authority and submit some guest posts with them. Make sure your guest posts are of the highest quality and compliment their business. Also, you can take some help of influencer marketing technique where internet influencers can help you build your brand…It can be costly though!

Review management– Keep a critical eye on all your review platforms. Always response to the received reviews. In the light of recent review engagement changes, it is even more important that you keep a very healthy and active contact maintained with your reviewers.

Brand management- plan and keep your brand name consistent all across the internet.

Technical SEO and its top components

Here are three of the most important technical SEO components:

Page load speed– It is not a secret that a slower page load speed, even by some microseconds can make or break a deal sometimes. There are certain actions such as the use of the cache, use of CDN, minifying codes, use of small image sizes, use of webp images etc. That can help increase the page load speed.

Check your page speed here.

Sitemap and robots.txt files– make sure you have a universally accepted sitemap file and it is submitted to google indexing. Also make sure to have the right robots.txt file and define the permissions properly in the file.

Read more about robots.txt file from Google.

Language and data structure- Ensure to define the language code of the website and also ensure to have the right data structure and schema planned and implemented on your website.

Equipped with the focus keyword parameters, on-page SEO, off-page SEO needs and technical SEO details, let’s jump to the cost of SEO in Edmonton.

Important questions to ask to get the right SEO pricing

Here are twenty questions that will really help you to establish the true cost of SEO in Edmonton. The monthly costs are fairly the same for all small businesses but what matters is the age of the current website and the number of locations. The age of the current website can be a huge plus in most cases but in some cases, it can be a minus, especially if there are older links that are toxic. A number of locations directly influence the price.

  1. What do you want to achieve with SEO?
  2. How many locations you have currently?
  3. Have you planned the right budget for your number of locations?
  4. How old is your domain?
  5. How old is your website?
  6. Do you have enough ‘Call to action” points on your website?
  7. When did you/your teamwork on your website last time?
  8. Do you have any audit done of your website?
  9. Do you currently track your website results?
  10. Do you have a marketing CRM in use?
  11. How many keywords do you need to rank on first page?
  12. Do you have any keyword that ranks in the top 10 at the moment?
  13. Is your website responsive (mobile friendly)?
  14. Have you tried SEO before?
  15. Are you ready for a long term investment?
  16. Does your business social media shows a good connectivity and continuity of posts?
  17. Do you know if your website has any backlinks?
  18. Do you currently use phone, call and other recording/training/tracking measures?
  19. Do you use all Google tools for analytics?
  20. What other tools you use for website checks except Google?

There can certainly be more questions depending upon your specific business and requirements. Knowing answer to above 20 questions will help you to find out specific pricing for your SEO needs.

SEO Packages website design and packages. Cost of SEO in Edmonton depends on the type of business and effort made by SEO expert.

We have 3 SEO packages to choose from.

SEO for small websites in Edmonton. ($1100/month no setup charges in this process. This is truly for small businesses)

  • Up to 25 pages website
  • One location
  • On-page SEO
  • Off-page SEO
  • Technical SEO
  • 50 industry keywords
  • Top competitor’s website review
  • Unlimited long-tail keywords/phrases
  • One tracking phone number
  • Local directory listing
  • Two blog articles per month
  • 8 to 15 expected SEO leads starting 4th month
  • No contract

SEO for medium websites in Edmonton. ($3500 one time and $1800/month)

  • Up to 50 pages website
  • Up to 3 locations
  • On-page SEO
  • Off-page SEO
  • Technical SEO
  • 50 industry keywords for each location
  • Top 3 competitor’s website review
  • Unlimited long-tail keywords/phrases
  • 4 tracking phone numbers
  • Local directory listing
  • Two blog articles per month
  • Tracking forms and chat on the website
  • 15 to 25 expected SEO leads starting 4th month
  • No contract

SEO for large websites in Edmonton. ($7500 one time and $2800/month)

  • Up to 200 pages website
  • Up to 5 locations
  • On-page SEO
  • Off-page SEO
  • Technical SEO
  • 50 industry keywords for each location
  • Top 5 competitor’s website review
  • Unlimited long-tail keywords/phrases
  • 8 tracking phone numbers
  • Local directory listing
  • Two blog articles per month
  • Tracking forms and chat on the website
  • 25 to 50 expected SEO leads starting 6th month
  • No contract

Some other SEO related questions

When to start SEO?

This is one more question that I usually get asked! The best time to start SEO is when you are starting a new website. Planning it with a new website has many advantages as compared to injecting it into an existing website.

What if I serve many cities but have only one location?

That counts as a single location. Let’s say you are located in Edmonton. The search engine optimization can be done for Edmonton as a primary serving city and then various cities that you serve in but it attracts charges that are more complex in nature and needs to be discussed beforehand. If you would rather have SEO done only in Edmonton, it will be done as one location.

What exactly a location means here?

Great question! A location here means a Google Business Profile/GMB location page with address or just brick and mortar store. If you have 3 brick and mortar stores, those will be counted as 3 different locations, even if you don’t have three different GMB pages for those stores.

Can I add or remove a location later?

Yes. Certainly. It is possible both ways.

What is guaranteed in the SEO process?

Our work is guaranteed. Results are absolutely the best, but not guaranteed because of the dynamic nature of SEO process itself. We know non-guaranteed sucks so in terms of leads per month/we try to give you the value back. Best we can do!

Do we have SEO case studies that we can share?

Absolutely! Book an appointment with us and we will love to discuss the success of our clients and case studies with you. You may need to sign an NDA.

How long does it take to show the impact?

We monitor continuously. A regular SEO process and its impact can take 3 months to 9 months easy and more even if the domain and website is new.

Can we stop SEO once done?

Short answer is No! Google changes its algorithm 3 time a month and major algorithm changes once a quarter! There are many external factors such as what your competitors are doing to outrank your positions. With all this, no you cannot stop SEO. The best strategy is to plan it in your marketing budget and ask your SEO team to provide full ROI reports from time to time. In long run, this is the most effective online tool.

SEO journey is demanding and rewarding! We understand you may have even more questions! If you are looking for an Edmonton SEO Company, give us a call at 587-609-7050 or contact us through chat or form and we are happy to answer your questions!

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